I am giving away an iPod Sport. We all ran around this holiday season doing for everyone under the sun. We all ate everything under the sun, too. This will help you know how much you're running around in the future.
Anyone with a U.S. mailing address may enter.
Leave a comment here for an entry. Your comment can be about the prize, my blog, your blog, my cute puppy, your cute puppy, a funny story, pretty much anything interesting.
(Please, no comments saying "Enter me" or "Neat contest!" or "Mine, Mine Mine!" or any other lame-o non comment. Also, no sob stories about how you/your daughter/your mailman didn't get a Christmas this year, chewed off your last working limb to feed it to your/your neighbor's starving children, need to send your child to Fiji for medical reasons or any other lame-o sob story. Everybody has a story which could surely break our hearts. A contest entry is absolutely not the place for said story. Not now, not ever, not in this or any other contest in the world. You know who you are - or maybe you don't? Anyway, I'm telling you now. Please cooperate. The rest of the world thanks you in advance. Lame-o comments or sob stories will be disqualified.)
Subscribe to my blog by using the subscribe button at right, leave a comment letting me know you subscribed, with the email address you used to subscribe.
Blog about this contest and leave a comment directing back to your blog.
Follow tammigirl (that's me!) on twitter.
Post a tweet on twitter and leave a comment here directing back to the link.
Send an email about this contest to your friends and copy me. Then come here and leave a comment saying you did.
Leave a link to this contest anywhere tens of people will see it and leave the link to wherever you dropped it here in a comment.
I will use a random number generator to choose the winner. Entries which do not follow the rules will be disqualified, but will not be removed from the comment queue. This way people can snicker with their friends about how some people did not follow the rules and will surely be disqualified.
*The first ten people to enter the contest will each be eligible to receive five bonus entries. If you believe yourself to be one of the first ten legitimate entries you may make five more entries by leaving up to five comments asking for your bonus entry. Please wait until each of the first ten entries has been made before you begin asking for your bonus entries.
Make sure I have a way to contact you. If you win and I can't figure out how to reach you then you really didn't win, did you?
Good luck!
He he, I totally love you. One for your use of lame-o. Two for youir anti-sob story stance.
ReplyDeleteI have a new cat, he is more like a dog than a cat, it is pretty bizarre. He comes when called and wants you to pet his belly, which is totally an off limits area for most kitties.
I REALLY need an iPod because I got an iPod dock/clock radio for Christmas and I have no iPod! So I'm excited that you are giving away the exact item that I need--thanks! And Happy New Year to ya, too! Let's hope that all Americans have many reasons to celebrate in 2009!
Hey, I have never been to your blog before but it seems pretty cool. I am about to explore it and see your puppy!!I HAVE 2 DOGS BUT i AM A BORING PERSON SO I won't talk much about them.Oh,I have a baby too.Too bad you did not want a sad story because I could have told you about the pile of poop I steeped in this morning.Your loss!
ReplyDeleteI subscribe and I was going to follow you on twitter but I am slow and can not figure it out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway. We are having the pleasure of raising a 4 month old chocolate lab. He is doing great but has an occasional
monster dog moment. Lol Take care Tim
I have a black lab!! And after seeing the Movie Marley and Me I love my dog twice as much! Must see movie!! I would love to win this for my daughter who is in track and field at her High School!
ReplyDeleteThsi would be perfect!
I need a SPACE suit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, wait. Those comments not allowed? So I'll tell you instead about worm-sitting the compost worms. Though I haven't seen any escape the bin today, I did find lots of dirt around the plastic bin. You'd think they'd leave footprints, but I don't see any.
I follow you everywhere, especially on twitter (nape9393).
ReplyDeleteThe Ipod Sport sounds very handy...
ReplyDeleteI am going to Washington D.C. and would love to take it along, plan to visit the pandas at the National Zoo, and to walk everywhere possible...of course with my Ipod (I hope)...thanks for the giveaway, Happy New Year from Ohio!
I love your blog! I love Tony Blair.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on twitter!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted wish everyone a very happy New Year!! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI just got back from seeing the move "Yes Man". It turns out this was a really good movie to see on New Year's Day, because it has a positive message for the New Year: be open to new things. So, I'm saying "Yes" to posting comments on blogs this year. Who knows, maybe I'll say "Yes" to starting my own.
ReplyDeleteI counted ten different posters, so now I'll beg for the extra entry.
ReplyDeleteI just got home from a pot-luck dinner. Usually I eat myself into a coma at these things--people bring the most wonderful food ever. Somehow tonight I managed to take the worst-tasting food on the planet. How is that possible? Can I no longer spot good food? Do I need a therapist or a hypnotist?
I just drove from GA to AL to eat a Whataburger!! I sure could have used an ipod for the road trip---we use to live in TX and we loved Whataburger's that is why we drove almost 2 hours to get one!! Happy New Year
ReplyDeleteDang someone please tell me its not the first already! I have to diet like a crazy person..of course I ate like a crazy person for the last month and a half! Time to pay the piper!
ReplyDeleteI am just sitting here on the couch, with my dogs next to me. They are pretty spoiled. But I am unable to sleep. Not much I can do around the house without waking everyone in the house up. I would love to have this Nike and iPod Sport Giveaway. It would be great to use while beebopping around the house cleaning. Thanks!
Love your message about positive comments good way to start a new year. Obviously the name gives away that I don't have any dog stories for today but if cats could talk the stories they would tell.
ReplyDeleteSorry forgot my email address
This prize sounds like great item for busy people on the run. You're so nice to give it away so soon after Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI think I am number 9 poster so I hope I get a fee entry.
ReplyDeleteI have decided that I will try new things for 2009. I just learned how to download a song on my son's MP3 player and now on to blogging. What challenges will 2009 bring?
Hey, I have 5 dogs (plus three puppies)...and 4 cats...plus about 40 goats...ALL are cute;) If I told you about them, it would be WAY too long!
ReplyDeleteI like your blog site...I like it alot!
As for the giveaway, I could use that....and I'm sure my goats would LOVE to hear me singing along to it while I'm delivering babies or milking;)
Happy New Year!
I love blogs and the excuse to subscribe to more awesome blogs (google reader).
ReplyDeleteHere is my cute puppy story (although, disclaimer: i do not own a puppy, but claim puppy ownership by association for my sister's dogs. I'm a dog aunt. don't take that away from me!):
We like to play the game "Lucky Puppy" w/my sister's dog Nali. While making dinner, we "drop" pieces of food on the floor and say, "Lucky Puppy," which is Nali's cue to eat anything and everything of f the floor. And because we like healthy pups, it's usually carrots or broccoli. She really loves veggies.
jbdoxey at yahoo
Cool giveaway! I hope I'm not too late - I couldn't find a date listed. Well I just made two loaves of pumpkin bread - one with nut, one with out. If you were here, I would share it with you. Good luck to everyone!
I subscribed in reader :)))
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win this for my son. I think he would use it daily. He's in his 1st year of med school and tries to workout daily to keep in shape & reduce stress!!!
ReplyDeleteTweet! http://twitter.com/jamaise/status/1093431243
ReplyDeleteI stumbled ya - I'm coffecup :)
Okay... so I read some of your posts, and YOU say you have the best puppy in the world... ever. And though the kid is a cutie (I'd have to admit)... I'd also have to disagree! I've got two of the best pups in the whole world... not really pups anymore, but... you can check them out on my blog! Peace to you and cool thing with the contest! I'm new to blogging and this is a cool little thing! Leave a meesage on my blog and I'll get crazy happy! My dad is the only one who reads it so far! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway. Everyone I know loves their ipods.
ReplyDeleteTRigell at aol dot com
How about a joke?
ReplyDeleteQ: How many comp.sys.intel readers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: 0.999999875
Hope you laughed....:)
Can I comment on how hot your body is?
ReplyDeleteI want more Tony Blair pictures. And I follow you on twitter, subscribe, worship your presence and stalk you- do I get bonus entries for each of those?
ReplyDeleteLove the way your blog looks . . . all dressed up for Valentine's Day. Brown and pink are one of my favorite color combinations.
I tweeted about this giveaway!
I posted a link to this giveaway on this mommies forum . . .
Okay, your puppy is seriously cute!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll enter by giving you a funny story about my sons. A few months ago we were going to visit my Aunt out in the middle of no where. There were all these hilly roads, you know the kind that make your stomach do a flip. My seven year old son made a comment about the road being hilly and said, "I can feel it in my balls!" We almost died laughing!
So, on Christmas Eve we were driving to my Aunt's house again and I asked my seven year old if he felt it in his balls this time and he said yes. Then my 2 year old chimes in "Balls!". I almost peed my pants. Every, single hill we encountered from then on the 2 year old yelled "Balls!" for us all.
I hope that was as funny to you as it was to me. :)
I subscribed to your blog. I'll check it faithfully!
I just found your blog tonight. I really like your colors and background design.
I am now following on twitter. name-donnak4
ReplyDeleteAnd now I am following your rockin' blog on Twitter. :D
ReplyDeleteI subscribed to your feed.
I Tweeted too.
I need an iPod bec everyone in the family has one except me - boohoo. Is that a sob story?
ReplyDeleteWe had a great Cmas bec this was NOT the year to go home and see our families. That always turn into a circus of mom-pleasing. This year was peaceful with just the four of us. We did what we wanted to which included a lot of football-watching and potato chip-eating. Not exactly Southern Living fare, but who cares? We enjoyed every minute of it. Oh, did I mention the frosty IBCs? yum.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
Nice Blog site, I have a blog site for my dog, Her name is Sooky.
ReplyDeleteYou can visit her site if you like.
Thanks, Val
I would love to have one of these. I am trying really hard to be more active this year and have "so far" been able to. But, gee, it's only the 4th day of the New Year. Hopefully, I can keep it up. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I have been to your blog-site, and it is great. I am mostly excited because it is not all baby item give-a-ways.
ReplyDeleteYour puppy is adorable. I remember when, my Princess Miley, was that cute. She is still sweet, but definitely not as cute as when she was a little perfect pup.
I am excited that I can now send people from my blog to yours!!!!
I am a subscriber through ATOM and RSS.
I have placed a link to your blog from mine. Yippee! We are now blog-partners!!!!
Tammi, you're just too funny with that "no sob stories" line. We had a good holiday. The two of us ate like piggies (better to start the diet on the 1st when you're really disgusted with yourself). I just wish that my son had come home from college to hang out with us, but hey - he's 25 and has a girlfriend - I totally understood.
ReplyDeleteI'm re-watching "Unknown Marx Brothers" from Netflix. They make me laugh every single time.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first trip to you blog. This is my second contest entry. I was pulled in by the Esty giveaway. :) Can I tell you that I really want to win this because my ipod shuffle busted, and now I have to go to the grocery store and shop without music. Having an iPod made shopping bearable. It also made it so not too many people bothered me when I was shopping. I am not antisocial...just anti-shopping-social.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway.
I will definitely be back. :)
I am now following you on twitter.
I tweeted your giveaway. :)
I am a new blogger! Started back in the summer! I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteI especially love blog hopping....I have found some of the most awesome blogs in the world. I have made some super sweet friends too.
My dogs are not new! We have had them for years....and we spoil them rotten. We have a black lab named Maggie (she is old and blind) but the sweetest dog on this earth. Everybody loves her. My entire neighborhood feeds her and lets her in their house! I AM NOT LYING!
She is the neighborhood QUEEN!
My other dog...is a little bossy poodle named Lizzy! She is so funny! We call her dizzy Lizzy!
I love your no-sob story rule. Reminds me of what I would love to put on my Ebay auctions about how I don't care when you get paid or whether Uncle Chester is ill, pay on time. LOL
ReplyDeleteI just started using a treadmill and would love to just stop squinting at the TV across the room because getting on the treadmill was enough for me to work myself up to without putting in my contacts. :D
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Hello, neat blog. I have a dog that we rescued off the streets a few months ago. She's a little puggle named Molli. She the perfect dog. Already house trained and crate trained. She makes my daughter so happy. Couldn't find her owners so she is our forever now. I just don't understand why someone would abandon such a nice dog.
ReplyDeletewell, gott go clean my daughter will be 2 tomorrow and we are going to have her birthday party!! YAY!
hmmm random? I took my daughter today to the Dr for her two year check up. turns out she's still a runt at 34 in and just shy of 24lbs. Oh and she got one more shot today! She did awesome!
ReplyDeletemelanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
added you to twitter I'm @kaiasmommy
ReplyDeletemelanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
blogged here
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo.com
I dont see an end date for this so I still hope its going on! I would love one of these! I have a nano to use it with...and i even have the nike shoes, but I stil have not bought the sport, I dont know why---maybe because all along i was supposed to win it?? haha
ReplyDeletetwinjackienurse at gmail.com
I subscribed to your blog!!
ReplyDeleteI posted on my blog about your blog :)
ReplyDeletetwinjackienurse at gmail.com
Posted about you blog giveaway on my blog. Here is the link:
This is a great giveaway because it is such a good product. A friend of mine got one and loves it and highly recommends it. Its definately on my personal wishlist and show be on anyone who listens to musics as well.
ReplyDeleteSubscribed though Google Reader as well.
I have an iPod Nano. It's my favorite thing. Next to my dog, she's pretty cool. She's a chocolate lab/beagle mix. She has the lab body and little beagle legs. People laugh at her but we think she's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'd love this! My cute puppy is a 10 year old Chocolate Lab named Jasper that thinks he's a puppy!
Thanks. I intend to enter.
ReplyDeleteMy friend Nicole has an iPod Sport and I think it is so cool. I love how it tracks your distance/time. I'm hoping to get back into running after baby #2 arrives in March and winning this little prize would provide excellent motivation. I might even buy a whole Nike outfit to go with it!
ReplyDeleteOk, really no cute puppy stories, except, well my daughter is addicted to reading an actual Christmas puppy story called, Olive the Other Reindeer. Wondering if she'll still want it read in July. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeletethanks for the chance!
ReplyDeletei think your blog is really cute and preppy :)
New to your site, love the colors! One day I hope to learn how to put one together. I loved the picture of the gingerbread house, looks yummy! Your site looks upbeat and fresh.